This page is used to share experiences from an international placement as part of your studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences. The page is managed by the International Office of the Faculty and is accessible only to the students of the Faculty of Social Sciences. You can post anonymously, however, if you allow your email to be published, you will give other students who plan their experience abroad the opportunity to contact you and ask additional questions.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to address us at contacts below.

Please be aware of the following rules:

  • Publish as much valid and up-to-date information as prossible.
  • You can add links to relevant sources, however, be aware that self-promotion, advertising, spam and irrelevant links are not allowed.
  • Degrading comments about race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated and published.
  • By filling this form you agree that posted videos, pictures and other relevant information might be accessed by other students and administrators and used as possible promotional materials.