Please note: the lectures are given in English language only.

A basic, one-semestral course on immune system functioning from the systems biology point of view.
The education based on data-driven knowledge is a compatible supplement to the hypothesis-driven classical education in immunology (winter semester MB150P14E Immunology). Prospectively, our theoretical lessons will be followed by a practical course on data analysis. For the time being, please consider a parallel practical course Genomické metody (MB151P102) - for Czech students only - or Methods of functional genomics (MB140P86) in the summer semester.

There is no qualification prerequisite. We will always repeat the basics of both Immunology and -omics technologies in the first half of the lesson followed by examples of 1-2 current studies in systems immunology.
Suitable for students of biology, medicine, chemistry. The course is targeted to students of 3rd (BSc.) and 4th (1st MSc.) year and PhD students in biomedical fields, incl. medical faculty students as well as Erasmus students.